Lab Safety
No one wants to get hurt so it is vital that each and every one of you (students) understand ALL of the safety rules for the lab. Each lab will have some of its own safety rules for that specific lab so it is important to always read the directions for each lab.
There is however a set of safety rules (English, Spanish) that you should know for any lab space you are in.
Look over the set of safety rules for labs. In your lab notebook, list which rules are also true for a kitchen and which are not? Why do you think those rules carry over from the lab to the kitchen?
Table of contents
The Commision
The setup
Your class is an award winning multi-media advertising company. Your client, Big Education Inc, has noticed a recent rise in the accident rate amoungst secondary education institutions (high schools) so they are commisioning you to create a new promtionaly campaign that will appeal to high schoolers.
They want it all, instagram posts, tweets, snaps, videos, posters, professional spokesman, memes, etcetera. If you can think of it they want it.
The Requirements
Your class as a whole has to have promotional materials for at least 80% of the safety rules (44),
in NONE of your promotional materials can _ANY__ of the rules be violated.
All media must be turned in by the start of next class. Each day that high schoolers are not informed more accidents are happening so time is important!
The Payoff
The media portfolios produced by the classes will be independently judged by the the non-physical-science teachers of the school. The winning class will have their media presented around the room all year long!
By ‘NONE of your promotional materials can _ANY__ of the rules be violated’ we mean that you can not ever have any one with their hair down in any of your materials. This means that no matter which set of rules you are making material for, you must have an understanding of all the rules.
You can use any of the equipment or art supplies that are out in the room, or anything that you have with you. If you need something that is not out, you must ask permission prior to using it.
Take your copy of the safety contract home and go over it with your parents and get their signature. Bring it back within a week so that you can participate in the labs as opposed to watching from the side!
- Flinn Scientific for their safety contract