Grading Policies
This is a standards referenced course. This means that your students do not accumlate points over the course of the semester, have those averaged, and then get a grade on a 90/80/70/60 scale at the end.
Instead, the semester is divided into topics, and each topic has a ‘standard’ of understanding. Students are then given multiple opportunities throughout a unit to demonstrate their competency at the standars and are graded 1-4. 4 is awesome, 3 is expected, 2 is approaching expected, and 1 means that students have not demonstrated a basic understanding.
For each of the rubrics for each assignment, go to the Parent OneNote Notebook, linked below. Link to parent Notebook
Because the standard is the same for the whole unit students are NOT expected to get 3s and 4s on their first knowledge check. Instead, they are expected to grow throughout the unit. To account for this the trend of the grade throughout the unit is what matters. This means that if a student gets a 1, 2, 3, 4 on their 4 different knowledge checks they will probably get a 4. I say probably because sometimes different assignments are of differing importance. Currently the most important assignment in EVERY unit is the last one. It is the assignment that wraps everything together.
- I will accept ALL assignments within a unit at any time for for full credit. This means that if a student is late, they are not penalized if they turn it in within the unit.
- I will accept the final assignment of each unit at ANY time during the semester, for full credit. If a student does nothing during a unit, they can always do the last assignment to get a grade for that unit.
- I will accept revisions on the final assignment from each unit at ANY time for full credit. It is important that students learn to accept and incorporate feedback, and if they are willing to put in the time to honestly revise something, I’ll grade it and give them what they are due.