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Physical Science Week-by-Week Overview

Week Day - Date Folder Link
12 1 - Apr 6, 7 Intro and Assessment
2 - Apr 8, 9 Assessment Workday
Human Impact
Week Day - Date Links
13 1 - Apr 13, 14 Renewable Energy Sources
2 - Apr 15, 16 Quality of Sources
14 1,2 - Apr 20-23 Citing Sources
15 1 - Apr 27, 28 Introduce Outline
2 - Apr 29, 20 Outline Workday
16 1 - May 4, 5 Final Project Workday
2 - May 6, 7 Final Project Workday DUE
Week Day - Date Links
17 1 - May 11, 12 Too soon to tell
2 - May 13, 14 Way, way too soon.
18 1 - May 18, 19 Don't even go there...
2 - May 20, 21 In the final stretch!

E-Learning with Mr. Hicks


(Link to video in HD)


Welcome to these new and different times! Learning is just as important as ever, and to be honest, this time is a great opportunity to begin developing skills you can use as a lifelong learner. You are responsible for your time, you are responsible for completing your obligations.

To that end, this part of class is going to be structured a bit different.

  • Each week there will be 2 days of material. Each day has the following:
    • 5ish minute video introducing the topic and the assignment for the day.
    • A discussion board post here in Schoology
    • 20-25ish minute assignment - posted in OneNote


As always, I will accept and regrade anything that students do at any time without penalty. If a student wishes to revise their Analogy Assessment, they can.

Moving forward, grading will be similar. The assessments ARE what matters.

That being said I’m going to make a concession due to the circumstances. Every assignment, there are 2 a week, will be entered as a pass/fail grade. If the student has given it an honest effort, pass. If the student has done nothing or no effort, fail. These daily assignments are weighted to 0% as always. BUT If a student has more passes than fails for a unit, they are guaranteed a passing grade of a D on the assessment.

This means, that you should try to complete as MANY of the daily assignments as you can.


Here is how you get a hold of me:

  • Through a message in Schoology (click the mail icon in Schoology, click ‘New Message’, and send it to ‘Jeffrey Hicks’)
  • Office hours online. There is a link here in Schoology to a Microsoft Team that when you click into it you can join a video feed. There is also a chat client there. During my ‘Office Hours’, I’ll be sitting there with that window open waiting…

Class Hours Schedule

Each ‘day’ (meaning M/T or W/R) there is a 15 minute class discussion at the beginning of the hour. After that is a 30 minute Q&A to answer questions.

Every day from 10:00-10:45 there is an ‘Office Hour’ that ANY student can attend.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-9:15 B1 - Class Discussion W1 - Class B1 - Class Discussion W1 - Class Student Contact Time
9:15-9:45 B1 - Q&A B1 - Q&A
10:00-10:45 Office Hours
11:00-11:15 B3 - Class Discussion W3 - Class Discussion B3 - Class Discussion W3 - Class Discussion
11:15-11:45 B3 - Q&A W3 - Q&A B3 - Q&A W3 - Q&A
1:00-1:15 B4 - Class Discussion W4 - Class Discussion B4 - Class Discussion W4 - Class Discussion Faculty Meetings
1:15-1:45 B4 - Q&A W4 - Q&A B4 - Q&A W4 - Q&A

I’m available by appointment at any other time with at least 24 hours notice.

Should the need arise after the first week or so, I’ll consider removing some of the earlier time-slots in favor of some later in the day. But to start I’m going to stick as close to the normal schedule windows as possible.